It is possible that Félix Guattari (1930-1992) saw in the then still young green movement of the 1980s those revolutionary forces at work that could still straighten out a world that had come apart at the seams in time. In 1989, a year rich of symbols, Guattari published the book Les Trois Écologies, in which he calls for a radical rethinking and a new practice based on the reciprocal effect of environment, social and human subjectivity under the keyword “ecosophy”.
Today, 32 years later, Guattari’s points of view are still relevant. The pandemic, in particular, demonstrates the extent to which the environment, the social, and the psyche are intertwined and we are (to paraphrase Franco “Bifo” Berardi) dwelling in a state of global exhaustion and a global reset seems to be the only way out.
The goal of the seminar is to provide a satisfactory answer to the question of architecture’s responsibility towards the environment, the social and subjectivity at the end of the semester. Different positions of philosophy, which especially focus on nature and ecology, will be instrumental in this process.
The first meeting will be devoted to thematic orientation and the assignment of individual work assignments.
Suggested Literature:
Ernst Bloch, Vorlesungen zur Philosophie der Renaissance, Suhrkamp, 1972.
Félix Guattari, The Three Ecologies, Passages, 1994
Timothy Morton, Dark Ecology, For a Logic of Future Coexistence, Columbia University Press, 2016.
Donna J. Haraway, Remaining Restless: The Kinship of Species in the Chthulucene, Campus Verlag, 2018.
Franco Bifo Berardi, Chronicles of the Psycho-Deflation, Nero Editions.