de is the department for architectural theory of the University of Innsbruck, headed by Bart Lootsma. also publishes the websites architecturaltheory.txt and

architecturaltheory.txt is a webzine with publications on architecture and culture : essays, papers, books, research projects , dissertations and habilitations written by the members of and their affiliations. is a video based webzine about architecture and culture and features documentaries, interviews, lectures, symposia and congresses and all of the lecture series at the University of Innsbruck.

SE Architectural Criticism / Davide Tommaso Ferrando

Nowadays, everyone has free and immediate access to architectural works, just as everyone has the free and immediate possibility to say or write something about them.

SE Special Section of Architectural Theory / Anna Luison

DOMESTI-CITY Since the spring of 2020, when the first lockdown began, life turned to the inside. During this difficult period, our increasingly saturated homes have hosted a wide variety of functions and activities.

Exhibition Radical Austria / Bart Lootsma

Bart Lootsma, Alexa Baumgartner and Maya Christodoulaki curated the exhibition Radical Austria, on the Austrian avantgarde of the nineteen sixties and early seventies in the Design Museum in Den Bosch.

Italian Collage. Architectural Drawings in the Age of Social Media

The latest book by is Italian Collage, edited by Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Bart Lootsma and Kanokwan Trakulyingcharoen. It’s one of the results of a longer, shared interest in the way new media, in this case social media in particular, shape architectural discourse.

SE Special Section of Architectural Theory / Bettina Siegele

Alternative ways of making architecture The seminar deals with alternative practices of architectural production and includes various thematic units such as appropriation, squatting, performance, participation, mediation, and subversion.

SE Architecture and Philosophy / Marco Russo

It is possible that Félix Guattari (1930-1992) saw in the then still young green movement of the 1980s those revolutionary forces at work that could still straighten out a world that had come apart at the seams in time.

SE Architectural Criticism / Davide Tommaso Ferrando

Nowadays, everyone has free and immediate access to architectural works, just as everyone has the free and immediate possibility to say or write something about them.

VO Architectural Theory 2 / Bart Lootsma

In this course, students gain insight into the political, ideological, artistic and philosophical contexts of architecture, urban planning and landscape in the first half of the 20th century. Students develop skills in how critical analyses, theoretical strands or approaches can be derived from the positions presented. This academic year, the lectures Architectural Theory 2 and […]

SE Advanced Architectural Design / Eleni Boutsika Palles

FILM <> ARCHITECTURE This seminar will explore the multiple crossings between cinematic vision and architectural theory.

EX Excursion: VIENNA / Bart Lootsma, Tim Altenhof, Eleni Boutsika Palles

Our excursion this summer will bring us to Vienna, where we’ll stroll not only through the inner city, discovering some of the gems designed by the Austrian Avant-Garde, but also venture out to explore housing projects from the modern period to the present, spanning the Werkundsiedlung as well as IBA Wien. Every now and then, […]

EP Entwurfsstudio 2: Goodbye to Language / Eleni Boutsika-Palles, Bart Lootsma

The theme of the Master Studio of in the Summer Semester of 2021 is “Goodbye to Language” and will be taught by Eleni Boutsika-Palles and Bart Lootsma. We will make a series of films tracing aspects of architecture that cannot be expressed in drawings or language. And even though we will start the semester […]

SE Special Section of Architectural Theory / Tim Altenhof

In 1644, the Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli built the first mercury barometer showing that air could be weighed. His conclusion that “we live submerged at the bottom of a sea of air” was a direct corollary to his invention. Everything we do and build and think takes place in this aeriform ocean, which, often held […]