SE Curatorial Practices / Nina Tabassomi
Das Seminar untersucht kuratorische Praktiken vor dem Hintergrund von gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen ans Ausstellungsmachen mit dem Fokus auf deren Zeitlichkeit. Welche Rolle spielt das Timing in Ausstellungen von Gegenwartskunst?

VO Architectural Theory / Bart Lootsma
Radical Austria, Alles ist Architektur The experimental work of Austrian architectural collectives and designers from the early 1960s to the mid-1970s has been called the “Austrian Avant-Garde.” The lecture Architecture Theory M is dedicated to the consciousness-expanding, boundary-pushing and socially critical work of these designers.

SE Selected Topics in Architecture / Nina Rattensperger
No final result: transforming shelter and moving environments “Pao I”, is a mobile package, for nomadic women in Tokyo. Developed by Toyo Ito In 1989, this project creates an escape from Tokyo society in two ways. First, in a physical sense, as the resident is able to carry her “Pao” and place it wherever she […]

Pre-Diploma / Bart Lootsma
Pre Diploma Architectural Theory The Pre-Diploma Studio in Architectural Theory focuses on architectural historical and theoretical topics and methods. It prepares students for a Master’s thesis in architectural theory or history in English or German. In most cases, the result will be a written thesis in the form of a book.

SE Curatorial Practices / Andrei Siclodi
Das Seminar behandelt die vielfältigen Aspekte der Entwicklung und Inszenierung unterschiedlicher Präsentationsformate von Gegenwartskunst unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rolle, die architektonische sowie urbanistische Fragestellungen in diesen Prozessen einnehmen (können).

EP Design Studio 2 / Bettina Siegele, Eleni Boutsika Palles
performing “… ‘performative’ suggests a dramatic and contingent construction of meaning.” [1] Bodies performing architecture :: Architecture performing bodies.

EX Exkursion: ROME / Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Giacomo Pala
The excursion will be in Rome and it will take place in September 2022. We will of course visit ancient roman architecture, such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon and the Villa Adriana, and classic masterpieces such as San Pietro, Bramante’s Tempietto and Borromini’s San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.

VO Architectural Theory 2 / Bettina Schlorhaufer
In the course, students learn about the political, ideological, artistic and philosophical contexts of architecture, urban planning and landscape in the first half of the 20th century.

VO Architectural Theory 1 / Bettina Schlorhaufer
Each lecture is dedicated to a specific theme, e.g. “Architecture and Utopia”, revolutionary architecture (Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, Étienne-Louis Boullée and Jean-Jacques Lequeu) and the so-called early socialist utopians (Robert Owen and Charles Fourier).

SE Theoretical Discussions / Stamatia Christodoulaki
Machine Learning in Architecture, or, The generation of Artificial Rooms Machine Learning (ML) recognizes, listens, reads, learns and discriminates. It also writes and paints, speaks, and drives. This proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fueled by the exhaustive measuring of objects and the environment.

SE Gender Studies / Katerina Haller
GenderSpace – Feminist strategies in space production and appropriation of space. The course analyzes the interconnection of gender, race and class along key texts, blogs and artistic interventions in public space. How is built the city? What are regulations and exclusions – where are gaps?

PJ Design Studio 3 / Tim Altenhof, Giacomo Pala
Strange Bodies Are buildings today imagined as flexible, open systems because our bodies are conceived as interconnected systems? This is the question we will ask through design and its theory.