
Symposium Innovation in Tradition

11 5th, 2015

The focus of the convention “Innovation in Tradition” will be placed on the complex topic of social reformatting, exceeding the central question of the effect of technological innovations and their influence on architecture, space conception, building typology, domestic engineering, urban design, etc. One aspect to be addressed should be the emergence of our idea of the New on a theoretical and practical level. Examples from architecture and everyday culture should illustrate the perception and reception of innovations and the changes in space production that go along with them.

In December 2015, the second part of the research project “Musch & Lun. Architects, entrepreneurs and politicans of the Gründerzeit in South Tyrol” that is conducted by the Institute for Architectural Theory, Architectural History and Heritage Preservation, University of Innsbruck, Architectural Theory Department, at the University of Innsbruck, is set to end.
A central aspect of the research work is the topic of architecture and innovation during a threshold period of regional development. In the context of the temporary conclusion to the research on Musch & Lun, it seems well-justified to evaluate the broad–spectrum topics of innovation and tradition. For the organization of the symposium “Innovation in Tradition”, the Institute of Popular Culture Studies at the University of Zurich was gained as a partner.

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