de is the department for architectural theory of the University of Innsbruck, headed by Bart Lootsma. also publishes the websites architecturaltheory.txt and

architecturaltheory.txt is a webzine with publications on architecture and culture : essays, papers, books, research projects , dissertations and habilitations written by the members of and their affiliations. is a video based webzine about architecture and culture and features documentaries, interviews, lectures, symposia and congresses and all of the lecture series at the University of Innsbruck.

Symposium / Matchpoint Innsbruck — Interdisciplinary Symposium

In the summer semester 2011, the Institute for Architectural Theory and Building History of Innsbruck University organizes an exceptional program entitled Matchpoint.Innsbruck which consists of a design studio for Master students and an accompanying research, both in cooperation with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia (RMIT). The overall title of the project “Matchpoint” is derived […]

Alexandra Paloma Angerer

Student Assistant

Elias Baumgarten

Project Assistant

Madina Cherchesova

University Assistant

M1 Matchpoint Innsbruck / Bart Lootsma, Thomas Fußenegger & Bettina Schlorhaufer

In the summer semester 2011, the institute for architectural theory and building history of Innsbruck University organizes an exceptional design studio for Master students in cooperation with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). The project is part of the exchange program with RMIT. Six exchange students from RMIT will take part in the courses. Matchpoint […]

Teresa Auderer

Student Assistant

Alexa Baumgartner

University Assistant

Caterina Covi

Student Assistant of the Dean’s Office